The Complete Guide To Pavia; Cardano’s First Metaverse

The Cardano Times
22 min readMay 25, 2022


Listen To Our Pavia Guide On Youtube!

We know this is quite a long read and if you’re looking to learn in an auditory manner, feel free to listen to the 4th episode of our Everything Cardano Podcast Series, where we go over this guide on the show!

Special Thanks From The Cardano Times

If you enjoyed reading this content, I would truly appreciate it if you gave The Cardano Times a follow or donated some Pavia Tokens to $thecardanotimes, it truly allows me to keep continuing this project. We also appreciate any feedback to constantly update this as the community sees fit, this guide is truly for the community by the community. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed. Welcome to Pavia!

Table Of Contents:

What Is Pavia?

Pavia and Cardano

The Pavia Roadmap

When Will Pavia Be Available To Users?

Meet The Team

David Morgan; CEO and Founder of Pavia

→Paul Manuel; COO at Pavia

→Meet The Rest Of The Team

What Does Pavia Offer Its Community?

→ What Are Land Parcels?

→What Are Estates?

→What Are Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s)?

→What Is The Pavia Cryptocurrency?

How The Pavia Tokens Are Allocated

→What Are Pavs?

→What Are Pavia Wearables?

How Is The Community Helping Pavia Develop and Grow?

→ Pavia Forum and Pavia Improvement Proposals (PIP’s)


→Price Checker Tool

→3D Pavia Map

→Heat Map

→Original Community Map

→Verified PCA Community Builders

How Do Users Obtain Land?

How Do Users Obtain The Pavia Token?

How Do Users Obtain Pavs?

How Do Users Create and/or Obtain PCA’s?

The Future Of Pavia

What is Pavia?

Pavia is the first “virtual-word” created on the Cardano blockchain through Cardano NFT’s. The company aims to create a metaverse where users can immerse themselves in a state of the art virtual world aiming to provide a realistic approach compared to the pixelated/cartoonish approach many of its predecessors have chosen to proceed with.

Pavia Corporation aims to build a metaverse on the Cardano blockchain where land owners can deploy “Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s)”, such as virtual “scenes, shops, and games” in hopes to create a gamified economy for the virtual world where everyone is free to visit each parcel of land and play or shop for items.

They have referenced their predecessors; Decentraland and Sandbox, as the foundation to their vision for their metaverse. But one of the key differences of their vision is their goal to allow every metaverse to transport and visit Pavia from each separate virtual world. With hopes to collaborate with Decentraland and Otherside, they aim to provide access to Pavia to every user of every other metaverse.

Their ultimate aim is to create a decentralized network of virtual worlds interconnected through “portals” that work to sustain a global network and virtual economy. They aim to make virtual worlds a true metaverse as we all have envisioned it to be.

Pavia and Cardano

Named after the birthplace of Gerolamo Cardano (whom the Cardano blockchain is interestingly enough named after), Pavia intends to illustrate Cardano’s integral part of their metaverse in any way it can.

It also has prospered due to the immense support of the Cardano community, which has rallied behind the project being the first virtual world on the blockchain aiming to revolutionize the metaverse industry as a whole. Its visions to allow interoperability between all virtual worlds entwines heavily with Cardano’s vision to allow interoperability between the global financial system with a transnational currency.

Pavia has remained dedicated to the Cardano community and has been immensely appreciative of the support garnered by the Cardano community alone, and has vowed to allow this project to be primarily community-governed and community-owned.

The Pavia Roadmap

Pavia Roadmap V1

The First Edition of Pavia’s Roadmap was centered around the development of creating the land parcels, adding map functionality to be able to find and differentiate your parcels from others, obtain the necessary financial and legal requirements for pursuing the project, as well as commencing two land sales to finally distribute the project to the community.

If it is difficult to read, feel free to visit the Pavia website!

With the Third Edition of The Pavia Roadmap, Pavia Corporation’s main focus is to progress development to launch the alpha deployment of Pavia to land owners. They also included the launch of their Pavia Cryptocurrency; $PAVIA, airdropped Pavs and Pavia tokens to land owners, and are focused on providing utility and liquidity for the tokens by integrating a Pavia NFT Marketplace into their website where users can purchase and sell their Pavia parcels and so much more with Pavia tokens.

Although there is no official release date for the launch of Pavia’s NFT Marketplace, the Pavia Roadmap states it will launch sometime in Q2 2022. The full release date of Pavia is also not officially announced although the team has announced they will deploy the alpha phase of Pavia and make it available to land owners to start developing on their land by Q4 2022.

Although there is not a stupendously clear roadmap, the community has supported Pavia every step of the way as it has met each deadline set on the roadmaps each and every time. With no delays or errors, Pavia has garnered support for their transparency, honesty, and efficiency.

The roadmap is also subject to change and is regularly updates to outline the objectives for each year, per the reason Pavia has released the third edition of its roadmap.

When Will Pavia Be Available To Users?

Pavia’s conception began in late 2021, and so the project remains in the infantile stages of development (as per Pavia’s official website), and the project aims to release an alpha phase of Pavia sometime in Q4 of 2022, with the full release for all users still remains to be announced although it is alleged it will be sometime in 2023.

The alpha phase mentioned earlier will be the first scale-out and deployment of the Pavia Metaverse, allowing land owners to finally access their land for the first time. Users who do not own land will not be able to access this phase as Pavia aims to provide land owners the opportunity to build and accommodate to the Pavia Metaverse mechanics.

The Team Behind Pavia

With the immense popularity of NFT projects as well as Metaverse projects, there are thousands of projects with the alleged aims to provide value to their community only to pull the rug beneath their investors and defraud their loyal community.

That is why Pavia has offered to include an extensive list of their staff, their experience, and their role in Pavia Corporation.

Morgan David; Founder and CEO of (Linkedin Profile Here)

Paul Manuel; COO at (Linkedin Profile Here)

Paul Manuel Helped Develop and Manage Apex Legends

Learn More About The Rest Of The Pavia Team Below:

What Does Pavia Offer Its Community?

Although Pavia remains in its infantile stages since its launch in 2021, Pavia still offers a variety great services and products to allow users to engage and support the Pavia metaverse.

What Are Pavia Avatars?

In collaboration with Ready Player Me, Pavia allows users to create their own avatar in which they will enter into the Pavia Metaverse as. By customizing your Avatar through multitudes of options; from clothing to accessories, users can engage on their first step on embarking into the Pavia Metaverse.

Although Pavia Avatars have no real utility as of present, they will play an integral part in your ability to express and immerse yourself in the Pavia Metaverse.

Pavia Avatars

What Are Land Parcels?

Land Parcels are the foundation of which the community can own, manage, and create their wildest dreams on. With 100,000 land parcels available to the community, land parcels enables users of the Pavia Metaverse to own, access, and modify specific parcels of land based on a coordinate system on their map. Land owners can build Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s) to represent shops, games, businesses, clubs, and so much more!

Each land parcel is 16x16 meters² and provides owners to unlock their wildest dreams and implement the confines of their imagination in a virtual world.

The Pavia Metaverse Official Map (As Of 5/25/2022)

Pavia has aimed at offering a decentralized metaverse, where the community has an opportunity to own and unlock their wildest imaginations by owning land parcels, and with the entirety of the land completely sold out and exclusive to the secondary market, Pavia boasts a wide variety of accomplishments of achieving its vision for decentralization and community-governance.

To search for a specific or your own land parcel, use the official Pavia Map website to view who owns the land and where it is located in the Pavia Metaverse.

The Official Pavia Map

There are also six different variations of land in which their distinction will be integral to the Pavia Metaverse.

With Land, Sand, Mountain, Forest, Sea, and Deep Sea plots, each parcel category differs on its functionality and its traits, although these distinctions are not too vital as of right now.

What Are Estates?

Land owners can also obtain multiple parcels surrounding each other to form estates (however, the estates must form a 3x3 layout from the parcels you own), and add pictures to your estate to make your brand or land truly stand out!

This is an example of an estate on the Pavia Map.

Estates are essentially a collection of land parcels combined to form a larger land parcel of sorts. Owners of estates will be able to access and modify the parcels collectively and can allow more room to place Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s).

What Are Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s)?

Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s) are all 3D assets that can be implemented and built atop land parcels by their designated land owners. From trees to rocks, to homes and shops; Pavia Compatible Assets aim to provide every land owner the opportunity to build on their land only within the confines of their own imagination.

*Disclaimer: PCA’s currently being sold or created may not be able to be placed in the actual deployment of Pavia, as per the legal terms of Pavia.*

PCA Created By Cardano Villa

Land owners currently can not place their PCA’s on their land, but the first deployment of the BuilderTool on Pavia where verified builders and “PCA 3D working group” members will have access to building and placing PCA’s for the first time! Although not announced when land owners will officially be able to place PCA’s onto their parcels, we can assume the launch of the builder tool will coincide with the alpha phase of the deployment for the virtual world as a whole.

What Is The Pavia Cryptocurrency?

The Pavia Metaverse aims to provide a virtual economy throughout its virtual world in which businesses, users, and land owners can trade in exchange for products and services with a virtual currency.

That is exactly why Pavia launched its own cryptocurrency on the Cardano Blockchain. The Pavia token aims to enable users to engage in the Pavia Metaverse and trade and purchase services and products. As a native token on the Cardano Blockchain, the Pavia token aims to act as an intermediary of exchange on Pavia as well as any future collaboration with other virtual worlds.

The Pavia token has a total of 2,000,000,000 tokens in circulation and is currently trading at a price of $0.023696 (as of May 25th; 3:55 PM, EST).

How The Pavia Tokens Are Allocated

Official Tokenomics Infographic Provided By Pavia Corporation

Community Airdrop

25% of the total circulation was airdropped to purchases of the first two land sales as Pavia’s efforts to support the community that supported them from launch. Each individual land owner received 8,333 Pavia Tokens for a total of 500,000,000 Pavia tokens!

Liquidity and Utility

25% of the total circulation will also be used to provide liquidity and utility for Pavia Tokens in the Pavia Ecosystem. Introduced through phases and a variety of systems, Pavia aims to use these tokens to provide utility and liquidity through “public sale(s), in-game rewards, play to earn incentivization, liquidity offerings through DEX’s (Decentralized Exchanges). This percentage of the total circulation still lacks an exactly clear outline for how it will utilized as Pavia still has to ensure these ambitions comply with all legal and regulatory aspects per their legal team.

Project Development and Ecosystem

30% of the total circulation of Pavia tokens will be allocated to fund and enhance the ongoing development and operating costs of the Pavia project with also ambitions to provide funding for community-operated ideas similar to the Project Catalyst mechanism Cardano uses. These ambitions aim to invest into community-driven projects that have a “measured effect” on sustaining, improving, or innovating Pavia and/or the user experience.

Pavia Team and Advisors

The final 20% of the total circulation will be allocated to the Founders, Pavia Team, Advisors, and Investors of the Project. These tokens are currently locked and unavailable for the Pavia Team and Advisors to access until they release the announcement for the releasing of these tokens. For a total of 400,000,000 Pavia Tokens, these will be allocated across the team as Pavia Corporation sees fit.

What Are Pavs?

6,000 “Pavs” were recently airdropped to 6,000 lucky individuals who hold land on the Pavia metaverse. The exact definition of Pavs and their utility is unknown, but the community has hypothesized that it could allow users a “play-to-earn model” as they plan to allow all players in the future to collect Pavs “roaming all over the Pavia metaverse”.

Although only 12 variations of Pavs are currently available and include the 6,000 total airdropped to various land owners, there will be far more variations and quantities of Pavs users can find and collect as Cardano NFT’s relating to the mechanism in which the land parcels operate with.

Some Pavs have traded for thousands of Cardano (ADA) already!

Pictured below is the current Pavs available and the rarity of each through an amazing infographic provided by Pavia Corporation.

Morgan David; CEO and Founder of Pavia, leaked some images surrounding the utility of the Pav’s with some hints at a “mech-compatible” Pav in a larger cyborg-like model.

The exact utility of Pavs is still unclear

Here is also a sneak peak of the experience in Pavia and what to look for when on the hunt for Pavs!

To learn more about Pavs, check the official website and the official Twitter Page here;

Here is also a great video by Youtuber JCrypto if you are interested in learning more about the speculation and news surrounding Pavs and what it means for Pavia.

What Are Pavia Wearables?

Although Pavs, Land, and the Pavia Token are all available to the Pavia community, the Pavia Wearables are an aspect of the Pavia metaverse still in its development phase.

Pavia Wearables are a concept proposed by Pavia Corporation in collaboration with Ready Player Me Avatars Pavia uses. Pavia Wearables aim to allow users to customize their Pavia Avatar with customizable attire such as shirts, pants, wearables, accessories, etc.

The first Pavia Wearable was proposed to the community on April 7th, with Pavia asking the community if they would love to see their first concept as well as future “Cardano themed merch.”

With the community overwhelmingly supporting the concept, Pavia then launched the first Pavia Wearable and airdropped it to the OG Land Owners and announced its accessibility beyond the Cardano blockchain, making it available on other virtual worlds as well!

Pavia Corpoation announced its test minting for the “TestPaviaExplorerHoodie” to show the community its progress behind the wearables and allow users to finally obtain their first Pavia Wearable. Wearables are still in the development phase and Pavia has noted it may take some time before Pavia Wearables are truly available in line with the vision they have to allow all users the ability to represent themselves in this virtual world.

How Is The Community Helping Pavia Develop and Grow?

Pavia encourages assistance from the Pavia Community, whether through the official Pavia Forum or a variety of community constructed tools to assist in each user’s experience with Pavia. Whether you’re purchasing land, looking to view the volume and floor prices of Pavia, or looking at the map in its 3D form, members of the Pavia Community have helped each user engage with Pavia in a much more feasible and user-friendly manner.

Pavia Forum and Pavia Improvement Proposals (PIP’s)

The Official Pavia Forum allows the Pavia Community to vote and contribute to Pavia Improvement Proposals (PIP’s) as well as even suggest your own PIP’s for the community to vote on!.

The Forum also allows the community to engage with each other, collaborate and share ideas aiming to innovate and better the Pavia ecosystem, and get support for any issues or problems that may arise during your experience.


Created by Kakulukian; a prominent member in the Pavia Community, OpenCNFT aims to provide data surrounding all Cardano NFT projects on the Cardano blockchain.

Using an automated algorithm, OpenCNFT provides an abundance of data regarding trading volume, wallet holders, and so much more in a user friendly interface.

Pavia’s Data Provided By OpenCNFT as of March 25th, 2022

3D Pavia Map

Another great tool is the 3D Pavia Map; created by IrishCryptoNoob, which allows the Pavia Community to enter coordinates and view the prompted plot in a 3D view, something that still has not launched from Pavia Corporation.

Heat Map

By far one of the most superior and advanced tools built by the Pavia Community, creator Lokinou developed a Heat Map which distributes colors across the map on a scale to illustrate demand across the map.

Colors that are lighter and more yellowish tend to be more in demand rather than darker/reddish colors (as seen above). This tool allows the Pavia Community to properly gather data and analyze the current state of the Pavia Land Secondary Market, as well as being able to fully visualize the virtual real estate economy within the Pavia Ecosystem. It is a fantastic resource in purchasing and research plots on Pavia.

Price Checker Tool

Created by Tom Bozik; another Pavia Community members empowering the Pavia ecosystem, the Price Checker Tool aims to allow the Pavia Community to search for land within a designated budget to allow users some form of automated system rather than combing through hundreds of listings to find the plot that best suits your budgets and requirements. This tool is also used in coordination with the Heat Map featured above.

Original Community Map

Created by Luis Carlos, this was the first community built tool allowing owners of the land from the first land sale back in 2021 to visualize their plots through a community created map long before Pavia released an official map. By pulling the data surrounding the land from the blockchain, Carlos created the first visualization and unofficial community map for Pavia.

Verified PCA Builders

Through a rigorous verification process to ensure individuals have the ability to create quality and efficient PCA’s, community members can become Verified Creators to build PCA’s for other users, entities, and/or businesses in the Pavia Ecosystem! These builders are constructing the Pavia World one object, one house, and one project at a time.

From amazing construction projects for businesses, to simply homes for land owners, these creators are helping build the Pavia Metaverse to become a truly beautiful and visually enchanting experience both in VR and out.

Ensure The Builder is Verified By Checking The Verified Creators Tab On Discord

How Do Users Obtain Land?

Land on Pavia, or “parcels” as they are referred to, are owned through Cardano Non-Fungible Tokens. This allows each parcel of land to be authenticated and ensures no copies of the parcel can be created and/or distributed.

Pavia launched 3 separate land parcel sales starting back in 2021 allowing the community to purchase parcels with a total of 100,000 parcels available to the community.

The first land sale took place on 10/13/2021, with a minting price of 39 Cardano (ADA) excluding fees, and took a total of three days to fully sell off all 29,000 parcels.

The second land sale took place on 11/24/2021, with a minting price of 45 Cardano (ADA) excluding fees, and took just minutes to sell off a total of 31,000 parcels.

The third and final land sale from Pavia took place on 2/11/2022, with a minting price of 80 Cardano (ADA) excluding fees, and because of the immense popularity, users had to join a whitelist beforehand to be able to mint the final 40,000 parcels.

The only way users looking to obtain land parcels can purchase them is through secondary NFT Marketplaces like and, with the floor price fluctuating from over 1,000 Cardano (ADA) to a present floor price of around 250 Cardano (ADA). But be aware, there a number of frauds looking to defraud investors trying to obtain parcels of land, and here are a few simple ways to buy legitimate parcels and ensure your money is no wasted on a virtually worthless NFT.

How To Verify The Parcel You Are Trying To Purchase:

  • Specifically on, Pavia Parcels are verified and will have a verified Pavia prompt right above the coordinates of the land parcels.
Pictured Left Is A Fraud, and Pictured Right Is An Authentic Parcel
  • A general rule of thumb to follow is ensure the price of the parcel is not below the official floor price listed on the Pavia project on select marketplaces such as You can check the Pavia NFT Project on here and ensure the floor price is equal to or below the price of the parcel you are purchasing. If it is listed below the floor price, that parcel is fraudulent. However, this rule does not apply if the price is over the floor price, as it does not ensure the validity of the parcel if it is simply listed higher.
  • NEVER send Cardano (ADA) or your parcels to a wallet through discord, only purchase through verified exchanges like and, the Pavia team or true investors will not ask you to send Cardano (ADA) to their address in exchange for land parcels.
  • Ensure the Policy ID of the parcel you plan to purchase matches up with official Pavia Land Policy ID. The official Land Policy ID for parcels is: 4bf184e01e0f163296ab253edd60774e2d34367d0e7b6cbc689b567d
Check The Prompt Policy ID and ensure it matches up with the official Land Policy ID as such.

These quick and neat tricks are an easy and safe way to ensure the parcel you are purchasing is indeed authentic. Always consult with a financial advisor and/or discuss with the Pavia community to ensure the parcel you are trying to purchase is indeed authentic.

*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, merely a tutorial to educate readers on how to purchase land parcels on Pavia.*

How Do Users Obtain The Pavia Token?

Users can purchase Pavia tokens on a limited number of Cardano Decentralized Exchanges such as SundaeSwap and MinSwap.

Pavia token holders can also their tokens as liquidity for yield farming and staking pools on Minswap and Sundaeswap, offering some form of passive income while the Pavia team develops the virtual world where Pavia tokens will be utilized. Currently there is no practical utility for Pavia tokens regarding buying and trading land, wearables, and pavs; but, Pavia aims to create a marketplace by the end of Q2 of 2022 where Pavia tokens can be used in their virtual economy to trade wearables, land, pavs, and so much more.

But there are also chances you could buy fraudulent Pavia tokens similar to the counterfeit parcels we mentioned earlier. Here are a few basic steps to ensure the Pavia Tokens you are attempting to purchase are indeed authentic below;

  • Ensure the token policy matches up with official $PAVIA policy ID. The official $PAVIA Token policy is: 884892bcdc360bcef87d6b3f806e7f9cd5ac30d999d49970e7a903ae
  • NEVER send Cardano (ADA) or your parcels to a wallet through discord, only purchase through verified exchanges like MinSwap and SundaeSwap, the Pavia team or true investors will not ask you to send Cardano (ADA) to their address in exchange for Pavia Tokens.
  • Ensure you are on a verified and trusted exchange like MinSwap and Sundaeswap to ensure your funds are safe and that the exchange actually has the Pavia token available. CoinMarketCap is a fantastic resource for seeing the available exchanges to purchase Pavia tokens.

*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, merely a tutorial to educate you on the process of purchasing Pavia tokens.*

How Do Users Obtain Pavs?

Currently, Pavs are only available by secondary sales on NFT marketplaces although Pavia plans on offering users the ability to collect Pavs once the Pavia Metaverse is launched.

To purchase Pavs, you will need to purchase them through NFT Marketplaces through individuals. Visit great marketplaces like and to purchase Pavs but you must ensure once again that it is indeed authentic before purchasing. As we have throughout this entire article, we are happy to help you authenticate the Pav you are trying to purchase.

  • Specifically on, Pavia Parcels are verified and will have a verified Pavia prompt right below the name of the Pav.
Here Are Examples of Authentic Pavs
Here Is An Example Of A Fraudulent Pav
  • A general rule of thumb to follow is ensure the price of the Pav is not below the official floor price listed on the Pavia project on select marketplaces such as You can check the Pav NFT Project on here and ensure the floor price is equal to or below the price of the Pav you are purchasing. If it is listed below the floor price, that Pav is fraudulent. However, this rule does not apply if the price is over the floor price, as it does not ensure the validity of the parcel if it is simply listed higher.
  • NEVER send Cardano (ADA) or your parcels to a wallet through discord, only purchase through verified exchanges like and, the Pavia team or true investors will not ask you to send Cardano (ADA) to their address in exchange for land parcels.
  • Ensure the Policy ID of the parcel you plan to purchase matches up with official Pavs Policy ID. The official Pavs Policy ID for parcels is: 852526a77c45662e981181ed9b0afca13cfd8e45c169a20b37832ea7

These quick and neat tricks are an easy and safe way to ensure the Pav you are purchasing is indeed authentic. Always consult with a financial advisor and/or discuss with the Pavia community to ensure the parcel you are trying to purchase is indeed authentic.

*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, merely a tutorial to educate readers on how to purchase Pavs on an NFT Marketplace.*

How Do Users Create and/or Obtain PCA’s

Unfortunately, unless you have experience developing 3D Assets on software like Blender, there is no other current way to create PCA’s on Pavia’s website. Each Pavia Compatible Asset must meet a strict set of guidelines to ensure it will work and be transferable come the launch of the Pavia Metaverse. Here is a basic outline on how create PCA’s on Blender.

Here are the land parcel specifications for each number of parcels all the way up to a nine parcel estate. These guidelines must be met in order to consider structures viable Pavia Compatible Assets.

Here is also some of the documentation from the Official Pavia Compatible Assets Guidelines.

Here are also some common mistakes encountered when creating Pavia Compatible Assets per the official Pavia Compatible Assets Guidelines Documentation.

Here are also some great tutorials on how to begin creating PCA’s on Blender!

If you are looking to purchase Pavia Compatible Assets, there a number of verified creators on the Discord Community Page that will offer their services in exchange for Pavia Tokens or Cardano. There also a few companies that are verified that offer their services through NFT Marketplaces such as and Ensure the individual, company, and/or entity you are working with is verified in the Discord Page as a legitimate PCA creator as listed earlier.

The example listed above is an authentic and verified Pavia Compatible Assets creator listed on Pavia’s Discord! Please ensure you are doing business with authentic creators as the alleged PCA’s provided to you by unverified creators will be worthless!

The Future For Pavia

Although Pavia remains in the beginning stages of development, its discord community boasts 70,000 members, 22,000 individual wallets owning plots of land in the Pavia metaverse, and boasts an incredible $21,000,000 worth of volume traded in the secondary NFT market.

The company also stated in a new announcement they are significantly funded to continue development of Pavia “for years to come”, easing the community’s concerns over the current bear market. Pavia stated that they are significantly funded through non-crypto assets (although those assets are unclear).

They are also aiming to release their research on Pavia Compatible Assets (PCA’s) as well as VR Development sometime later this year. They also plan to conduct polling and voting initiatives to allow the community dictate how PCA’s will be deployed as well as the deployment of the VR experience.

Being the first Metaverse to launch on the Cardano Blockchain, Pavia has one way or another helped Cardano become an NFT superpower with the immense amount of volume traded and community members now becoming more and more familiar with Cardano. Being at the forefront of the NFT space on the Cardano Blockchain, Pavia is certainly a brilliantly intricate vision aiming to revolutionize the very concept of a Metaverse.

*Disclaimer: This is not financial advice, merely an educational guide to introduce users to the Pavia metaverse. Please conduct your own research and/or consult with a financial advisor before investing into any cryptocurrency and/or NFT project.*



The Cardano Times

Keeping you informed of the Cardano Ecosystem one article and podcast at a time. Education is a right, not a privilege. Twitter: @TheCardanoTimes